What God says

This page is for those who want the TRUTH, Those who are seeking  honesty, not just what what religion says. It will disagree with every religion at one time or another, because what GOD says is truth, and religion is full of what man thinks, how man has interpreted what God says.

This page will tell you  WHAT GOD SAYS,  it may go along with the reader believes, and at times it will go against what the reader believes.  God gives all of us freedom to choose what we will believe and follow, we can choose Gods Truth,, or we can believe mans truth ( someone else's or our own.)
When God says it, its absolute truth, and if you are like me, tired of the same old answers that don't satisfy, then this page is for you! If you are happy with  what you have been told, then  you will disagree with much that is on this blog.

I will use the word "God" as that is what I am Used to calling the supreme creator,  ruler of heaven and earth. You may used to calling Him another name, but make no mistake, whatever name you know Him by, there is only one  Almighty God, and that is who this page is about.

One cannot love God  if one does not know God as He is.  One may think they love God, but what they love is an illusion, the love is for a  god they have created in their own minds, not for Almighty God.

It is my hope that this page draws people to love the  God of heaven and earth, and that as they know and learn His truth, they are set free.  Its not about converting anyone from one religion to another, but about  converting those who do not love God, into people who do love God.

May THE GOD  of heaven and earth open the eyes of heart, as you seek to know as He knows, love as He loves, and be as He is.

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